Rob Ireton: stones
Rob Ireton: soaring
Rob Ireton: Valley Vineyards
Rob Ireton: look up · three
Rob Ireton: end · 22 · 3
Rob Ireton: lies, all lies
Rob Ireton: once again, at night
Rob Ireton: Isaac M. Wise Temple
Rob Ireton: Genius of Water
Rob Ireton: blue boy
Rob Ireton: probably not Genbu
Rob Ireton: three-column layout
Rob Ireton: framed by leaves
Rob Ireton: The Library
Rob Ireton: diptych: anticipation · satisfaction
Rob Ireton: President Garfield
Rob Ireton: ripple
Rob Ireton: The New Government Square
Rob Ireton: “Damage Produce” from Fred & Keith
Rob Ireton: "Don't we have the cutest toes?"
Rob Ireton: a free hookah
Rob Ireton: three pigeons making themselves at home
Rob Ireton: a pair of gloves, abandoned
Rob Ireton: storm clouds in stone
Rob Ireton: inexplicably fascinating wire models of landmark buildings
Rob Ireton: the butcher's lunch stand, closed for the season
Rob Ireton: clouds
Rob Ireton: cloud
Rob Ireton: Looking North from the Library
Rob Ireton: Library - September 15