Rob Ireton: bloodroot (Sanguinaria canadensis)
Rob Ireton: a sociable lizard
Rob Ireton: another leafhopper
Rob Ireton: high summer
Rob Ireton: wall lizard
Rob Ireton: baby house finch
Rob Ireton: ants ♥ peonies
Rob Ireton: peeking lizard
Rob Ireton: halloween spider
Rob Ireton: squirrel eating a chili
Rob Ireton: The Hunter
Rob Ireton: close encounter
Rob Ireton: a capital offence
Rob Ireton: lizard
Rob Ireton: nascent bramble
Rob Ireton: Winter in Cincinnati
Rob Ireton: Rob and the six-legged spider
Rob Ireton: One-armed Mantis
Rob Ireton: upstairs · downstairs
Rob Ireton: It's Growing!
Rob Ireton: Tiny spider
Rob Ireton: parasitized tobacco hornworm
Rob Ireton: Golden Orb Weaver
Rob Ireton: lizard on the wall of my garage
Rob Ireton: well-behaved rabbit
Rob Ireton: downpour
Rob Ireton: beans
Rob Ireton: Black Hollyhock
Rob Ireton: Last Year’s Hollyhock
Rob Ireton: all a-buzz