gomes cart 87: CART 87- Angola 1961
gomes cart 87: Antonio Gomes, Angola 1961
gomes cart 87: Dange,61
gomes cart 87: Me and my little monkey 61
gomes cart 87: Over the bridge
gomes cart 87: Gomes, Pezinho
gomes cart 87: Head Quarters, Santa Eulalia
gomes cart 87: Kazumbi, feitico
gomes cart 87: Gomes 1961
gomes cart 87: Pineapple Feast
gomes cart 87: SalaGuimbo Jan,61
gomes cart 87: Crossing Dange
gomes cart 87: Rio Dange, Quanza Norte
gomes cart 87: Bath in Socolange
gomes cart 87: Gomes, Terreiro, 61
gomes cart 87: Gomes 62
gomes cart 87: Papaias Angola
gomes cart 87: Farmer ang Gomes
gomes cart 87: Gomes 1962
gomes cart 87: Gomes, Cimo, Pezinho
gomes cart 87: Varao, Pezinho, Gomes 61
gomes cart 87: Me and Dias
gomes cart 87: Social visit to a sanzala
gomes cart 87: Patrulha no Quiage, 62
gomes cart 87: Varao , Gomes
gomes cart 87: Socolange
gomes cart 87: Gomes, A farm in Cerca