aodland: trouble?
aodland: eucalyptus
aodland: Temescal Creek above ground.
aodland: buried Temescal Creek
aodland: Temescal Creek is under this
aodland: city limits sign
aodland: view south to railroad tracks
aodland: oakland cranes
aodland: view to Bay Street shopping center
aodland: southside random buildings
aodland: truck!
aodland: pedestrians and biker
aodland: Islands?
aodland: REALLY narrow sidewalk and bike lane
aodland: view south down Shellmound
aodland: freeway underpass
aodland: sign
aodland: traffic
aodland: freeway and tidal marsh
aodland: Oakland cranes in the distance
aodland: Eastshore State Park sign
aodland: culvert/stormwater outlets
aodland: Temescal Creek culvert under the freeway
aodland: Temescal Creek outlet
aodland: geese
aodland: view from water side to IKEA
aodland: freeway ramp south
aodland: freeway ramp north
aodland: trellis by Circuit City
aodland: trellis looking up