David Gallagher: The view from our hotel room
David Gallagher: Wonder Wheel
David Gallagher: A blurry Saturday night at Coney Island
David Gallagher: Stephen was downwind
David Gallagher: Getting Ready for the Today Show
David Gallagher: Cookies at Sarabeth's
David Gallagher: Our Subway Station
David Gallagher: International Turbo
David Gallagher: Great Fishing
David Gallagher: Vintage Tractor
David Gallagher: Find 'em Hot, Leave 'em Wet
David Gallagher: The view out our door
David Gallagher: Jen Caught a Fish
David Gallagher: Munson to Dyer Cove
David Gallagher: Approaching Munson Island
David Gallagher: David Caught a Fish