Anyhoo: DSC_5415 - Bed Hair
Anyhoo: DSC_5418 - Off to Off
Anyhoo: DSC_5450 - Saboy [which was the cunning title to be revealed once guessed, although now doesn't seem all that cunning]
Anyhoo: DSC_5473 - Men Only
Anyhoo: DSC_5593 - Not Amused
Anyhoo: DSC_5620 - A Little Bit of Everything
Anyhoo: DSC_5664 - Revenge of the Thinning Shears
Anyhoo: DSC_5666 - Poorfile
Anyhoo: DSC_5676 - What Pale Skin You Have
Anyhoo: DSC_5678 - The Furball
Anyhoo: DSC_5681 - Hello Scalp
Anyhoo: DSC_5695 - What Light Through Yonder Hairline Breaks?
Anyhoo: DSC_5697 - Aglow
Anyhoo: DSC_5714 - Just About Passable
Anyhoo: DSC_5724 - Receding Hairline
Anyhoo: DSC_5735 - Garden Gangster
Anyhoo: DSC_5771 - Square In The Back*
Anyhoo: DSC_5777 - Prison Beak
Anyhoo: DSC_5794 - Sexyback
Anyhoo: DSC_5808 - Don't Mess
Anyhoo: DSC_5811 - Pretence of Normality (112/366)
Anyhoo: DSC_5822 - No Defence
Anyhoo: DSC_5826 - Buckling
Anyhoo: DSC_5828 - The Smirk
Anyhoo: DSC_5829 - The Grin
Anyhoo: DSC_5832 - The Reluctant Smile
Anyhoo: DSC_6121 - Heavily Contoured