anxioustomato: Violated
anxioustomato: Sexy Dave
anxioustomato: Dave's Salon
anxioustomato: Faking It
anxioustomato: Big (nail) Pimping
anxioustomato: Dave and his fingernails
anxioustomato: Special Terry
anxioustomato: Big Stu and his big hat
anxioustomato: Me looking unimpressed
anxioustomato: Dave and his window
anxioustomato: Terry & Stefanie
anxioustomato: Dave and I
anxioustomato: Ants Sleeping
anxioustomato: Jimmy Saville
anxioustomato: Caught!
anxioustomato: Shadows
anxioustomato: Me at Lucy4's
anxioustomato: Lucy4's toilet
anxioustomato: Sunglasses
anxioustomato: Boat Tour
anxioustomato: Ants' Big Mac
anxioustomato: Halloween Food
anxioustomato: Halloween Decorations
anxioustomato: Terry and Chris
anxioustomato: Paul and Celine
anxioustomato: Paedo Priest
anxioustomato: Lady of the House