Robert Barker Arts: It's mine, you can't have none
Robert Barker Arts: Looking for penguins
Robert Barker Arts: I have my treasure
Robert Barker Arts: Look busy!
Robert Barker Arts: Patchwork Skin
Robert Barker Arts: Do not even think about it!
Robert Barker Arts: Stare into my incredibly beady eye.
Robert Barker Arts: Watching for opportunities.
Robert Barker Arts: You lookin' at my bird?
Robert Barker Arts: I shall not leave my post
Robert Barker Arts: Watching the skies
Robert Barker Arts: Long way up
Robert Barker Arts: Well hello!
Robert Barker Arts: Hey! What are you up to out there?
Robert Barker Arts: No Mr Bond, I expect you to inflate your trousers like a balloon.
Robert Barker Arts: Hiding the sun
Robert Barker Arts: How otterly lovely.
Robert Barker Arts: Hey, look at those people over there, what are they looking at?
Robert Barker Arts: Enjoying the warm sun on a winter's day
Robert Barker Arts: Oh, the things I have seen.
Robert Barker Arts: Look! Up there! I think that's Rod Hull!
Robert Barker Arts: Ever watchful
Robert Barker Arts: Hey? You eating that? Sure? Go on, put it down for a little bit. I absolutely won't steal it.