anvosa: _ Bathhouse_Stairway_BW
anvosa: _ Bathhouse_Hall_BW
anvosa: _ Stairway_to_hell_BW
anvosa: Barbed wire - BW
anvosa: _Death Railway ends here_BW
anvosa: _antique Chandelier in Officer´s Mess
anvosa: _decayed Staircase_bw
anvosa: _ The Sun Prison???
anvosa: _Oops!...I Did It Again 2
anvosa: _Oops!...I Did It Again
anvosa: _ The machine
anvosa: _ Weinbergterrassen
anvosa: _Boilerhouse, Fire Equipment
anvosa: _VEB Kühlautomat
anvosa: _VEB Kühlautomat
anvosa: _VEB Kühlautomat
anvosa: _Spin the Red Wheel
anvosa: _Man at work...
anvosa: _Power