antwerpalan: 18 ....and it seems like only yesterday
antwerpalan: Old soldiers never die....
antwerpalan: The Korean veteran
antwerpalan: A post-parade beer
antwerpalan: A Scottish campaigner
antwerpalan: Czech shoulder flashes
antwerpalan: A stiff collar
antwerpalan: The bored bandsman
antwerpalan: What memories lay buried
antwerpalan: Playing war games
antwerpalan: The Airborne return to Antwerp
antwerpalan: The Normandy veteran
antwerpalan: Not exactly a sell-out event
antwerpalan: Waiting for his dance partner
antwerpalan: Smooth mover
antwerpalan: When you're dancing with me cheek to cheek....
antwerpalan: Who loves yer, baby?
antwerpalan: The ecstatic dancer