antwerpalan: Ballerina for sale
antwerpalan: Turning their backs on the good days
antwerpalan: The wedding dress
antwerpalan: At the bric-a-brac market
antwerpalan: Doris takes a rest
antwerpalan: In memory of Elvis
antwerpalan: Celebrating Elvis
antwerpalan: Throwing out grandad
antwerpalan: The bargain hunters
antwerpalan: Antique hunting starts early
antwerpalan: Bargaining power
antwerpalan: Sunday at the Tunnel, Antwerp
antwerpalan: Nude in a Melbourne window
antwerpalan: Bodies huddled in the auction room
antwerpalan: Waiting for Sam
antwerpalan: Master of all he surveys
antwerpalan: The woman in a red hat
antwerpalan: A good beer always stands out
antwerpalan: Lonely Marylyn
antwerpalan: Sharing a bottle
antwerpalan: Three Dutch boy smokers
antwerpalan: The silver collector
antwerpalan: If you can keep your head...
antwerpalan: Just hanging around...
antwerpalan: Bring me your huddled masses, and a snowman...
antwerpalan: Memories of the French Revolution
antwerpalan: Two heads are better than one
antwerpalan: Three's a crowd....
antwerpalan: A tea break for Jan
antwerpalan: Farewell to family heirlooms