Jeff Bosworth: Shot of us standing in front of the log cabin
Jeff Bosworth: Of course, sitting in the back at the old school house
Jeff Bosworth: Today Jessica got to learn all about Texas history and she liked it!
Jeff Bosworth: Another talent she didn't share with me until well after we were married
Jeff Bosworth: And then going too fast and falling off
Jeff Bosworth: Class clown
Jeff Bosworth: Not sure if your allowed to play with these things but whats the harm?
Jeff Bosworth: View of the Fort and School House
Jeff Bosworth: An empty Log Cabin
Jeff Bosworth: Authentic Log Cabin outside the Texas Museum of Cultures
Jeff Bosworth: Jess sitting on the porch of the log cabin
Jeff Bosworth: Talk about the fire engine coming along way from it's roots
Jeff Bosworth: Waiting at the San Antonio Airport
Jeff Bosworth: Where else in the world will you find rocking chairs in the airport?
Jeff Bosworth: In the car waiting to get into the park
Jeff Bosworth: Us in what felt like the slowest moving line in Rollar Coaster Park History
Jeff Bosworth: Just outside the main gate about half way through the day
Jeff Bosworth: It was a hot and humid day and yet people still sat around in the sun
Jeff Bosworth: Headed off to ride the train around the park
Jeff Bosworth: How cool is this? We got our picture taken with Daffy Duck!
Jeff Bosworth: I waited all day for this $5 lemonade and it was well worth it
Jeff Bosworth: Quick shot of us waiting for the train
Jeff Bosworth: Windmill at the Train Station
Jeff Bosworth: Back of the Park
Jeff Bosworth: Waiting for the train and enjoying my lemonade
Jeff Bosworth: Roller Coaster hiding behind the trees
Jeff Bosworth: Getting ready to board the train
Jeff Bosworth: Us on the train