OlyaA (busy): You got to be kidding me...
OlyaA (busy): Olga's Birthday, May 2008
OlyaA (busy): Bentley
OlyaA (busy): Bentley
OlyaA (busy): I am going to give you a kiss!!!
OlyaA (busy): Bella is a "Miss Pitbull"
OlyaA (busy): Bella has her usual expression: "It is all your fault..."
OlyaA (busy): "Hi, my name is Bentley, Do you have a problem?"
OlyaA (busy): Bentley
OlyaA (busy): Bella and the Shadow
OlyaA (busy): Let's Dance!
OlyaA (busy): Gossiping about the owners
OlyaA (busy): Walk in the Park
OlyaA (busy): Visious!
OlyaA (busy): Dogs in the Park
OlyaA (busy): Bentley Home
OlyaA (busy): Bentley my little piggy-cow
OlyaA (busy): Bentley
OlyaA (busy): Pit Ball
OlyaA (busy): Bentley, Evening on Ada Hayden Lake
OlyaA (busy): Pushok
OlyaA (busy): Pushok
OlyaA (busy): Are you comfortable?
OlyaA (busy): You are so going to fall down!
OlyaA (busy): No way, I always sleep like this