Antonio Amendola Photography: 20mm20shots: Italy through the Window of a Train (Florence-Milan)
Antonio Amendola Photography: 20mm20shots: Italy through the Window of a Train (Rome-Florence)
Antonio Amendola Photography: 50mm50shots: Italy through the window of a train/ new leg: ROME-VENICE
Antonio Amendola Photography: 50mm 50shots: L'italia vista deal finestrino di un treno" (project) ROMA-BARI
Antonio Amendola Photography: 24mm24shots1929.JPG
Antonio Amendola Photography: 24mm24shots1930.JPG
Antonio Amendola Photography: 24mm24shots1931.JPG
Antonio Amendola Photography: 24mm24shots1932.JPG
Antonio Amendola Photography: 24mm24shots1933.JPG
Antonio Amendola Photography: 50mm50shots: Italy through the Window of a Train (ROME-BARI)