Antonia Ruppel: Grand Canyon from above
Antonia Ruppel: Ants on the salt.
Antonia Ruppel: Ants on the salt (close-up)
Antonia Ruppel: Badwater fish-eye.
Antonia Ruppel: Walking on Saltshine.
Antonia Ruppel: Look at the little sign high up on the rock.
Antonia Ruppel: Here's the sign.
Antonia Ruppel: Women and fast cars (well, a fast car. and me.)
Antonia Ruppel: Devil's Twilight
Antonia Ruppel: Leaving Badwater
Antonia Ruppel: I like signs.
Antonia Ruppel: Windy Zabriskie sunset
Antonia Ruppel: Zabriskie Point
Antonia Ruppel: Mesquite Flat Sand Dunes
Antonia Ruppel: Me and my shadow
Antonia Ruppel: Dunes behind Devil's Cornfield
Antonia Ruppel: Hello, old friend.
Antonia Ruppel: Devil's Cornfield in the evening
Antonia Ruppel: Early evening light
Antonia Ruppel: Pupfish!
Antonia Ruppel: Pickleweed
Antonia Ruppel: More pickleweed
Antonia Ruppel: On the way to Rhyolite
Antonia Ruppel: Rhyolite from above
Antonia Ruppel: Rhyolite Train Station
Antonia Ruppel: Bottle House
Antonia Ruppel: Self-portrait.