Multerland...: Eventyrstolen og eventyrbordet - Design Gerhard Munthe
Multerland...: Eventyrstolen og eventyrbordet - Design Gerhard Munthe
Multerland...: Eventyrstolen og eventyrbordet - Design Gerhard Munthe
Multerland...: Eventyrstolen og eventyrbordet - Design Gerhard Munthe
Multerland...: Eventyrstolen og eventyrbordet - Design Gerhard Munthe
Multerland...: Eventyrstolen og eventyrbordet - Design Gerhard Munthe
Multerland...: Eventyrstolen og eventyrbordet - Design Gerhard Munthe
Multerland...: Eventyrstolen og eventyrbordet - Design Gerhard Munthe
Multerland...: Thomas Cathinco Bang’s dining room in Christiania - Gerhard Munthe
Multerland...: Thomas Cathinco Bang’s dining room in Christiania - Gerhard Munthe
Multerland...: Thomas Cathinco Bang’s dining room in Christiania - Gerhard Munthe
Multerland...: Dining room chairs and table - Gerhard Munthe
Multerland...: The chair of the prince - Gerhard Munthe
Multerland...: The chair of the prince - Gerhard Munthe
Multerland...: Dining room chair - Gerhard Munthe
Multerland...: Design for the wall of the Aula of the University of Oslo in 1910 - Gerhard Munthe
Multerland...: Ekstase / Ecstacy (C'est ainsi que l'amour s'allume dans le coeur) - 1895 - Gerhard Munthe
Multerland...: Gerhard Munthe - The Suitor I: Lord Per and proud Margit / Herre-Per og stolt Margit
Multerland...: Gerhard Munthe - The Suitor II - Proud Margit gathers her gold / Stolt Margit samler sitt gull (1900)
Multerland...: Gerhard Munthe - The Suitor III: Lord Per and proud Margit in the fisherboat / Herre-Per og stolt Margit i fiskebåten
Multerland...: Gerhard Munthe: The spirited off into the Mountain
Multerland...: "Myllardotter dansar" (detail) - Gerhard Munthe - Tapestry
Multerland...: "Myllardotter dansar" (detail) - Gerhard Munthe - Tapestry
Multerland...: "Myllardotter dansar" (detail) - Gerhard Munthe
Multerland...: "Myllardotter dansar" - Gerhard Munthe - Tapestry
Multerland...: Gerhard Munthe - Helhesten / The Horse of Hell
Multerland...: Gerhard Munthe - Harer / Hares
Multerland...: Gerhard Munthe - Buds / Knopper / Tapestry
Multerland...: Gerhard Munthe - Flygende Ender / Flying Ducks / Tapestry
Multerland...: Gerhard Munthe - Prinsessen og Gullfuglene / The Princess and the Golden Birds