Diane S Murphy: paper collage
Diane S Murphy: sand and glitter
Diane S Murphy: finger paint
Diane S Murphy: finger paint and stickers
Diane S Murphy: Rudolph stickers
Diane S Murphy: pot holder
Diane S Murphy: flower pot
Diane S Murphy: finger paint
Diane S Murphy: finger paint
Diane S Murphy: sponge paint
Diane S Murphy: fingerpaint
Diane S Murphy: stickers and tape
Diane S Murphy: placemat
Diane S Murphy: sponge paint
Diane S Murphy: sponge paint
Diane S Murphy: car tracks
Diane S Murphy: crayon with watercolor
Diane S Murphy: paint through screen
Diane S Murphy: natural collage
Diane S Murphy: back pack
Diane S Murphy: pillow case
Diane S Murphy: Rompy shirt
Diane S Murphy: Rompy shirt
Diane S Murphy: The artist at work (video)