Diane S Murphy: The Great Hall
Diane S Murphy: The Maiden
Diane S Murphy: Front Porch
Diane S Murphy: The Homestead
Diane S Murphy: The Homestead
Diane S Murphy: The Homestead
Diane S Murphy: Rubber Ducky
Diane S Murphy: Red Berries
Diane S Murphy: The Clock Tower
Diane S Murphy: Foosball
Diane S Murphy: The Ballroom ceiling
Diane S Murphy: Entrance
Diane S Murphy: Entrance
Diane S Murphy: wedding 574
Diane S Murphy: wedding 558
Diane S Murphy: wedding 556
Diane S Murphy: Evening Attire
Diane S Murphy: Fall Foliage
Diane S Murphy: Horses in the Field
Diane S Murphy: P4020979
Diane S Murphy: Me with the Hawk