Ancient Art & Numismatics:
G6 A Rare and Magnificent Greek Silver Tetradrachm of Katane (Sicily), Signed by Herakleidas, a Mesmerizing Frontal Portrait of Apollo
Ancient Art & Numismatics:
G10 An Excessively Rare and Magnificent Greek Silver Tetradrachm of Syracuse (Sicily), Signed by Eukleidas, a Masterpiece of Classical Art
Ancient Art & Numismatics:
G18 An Amusing Greek SIlver Hemidrachm of Pantikapaion (the Cimmerian Bosporos)
Ancient Art & Numismatics:
G23 An Excessively Rare Greek Silver Stater of Thebes (Boeotia), Perhaps the Finest Known, a Mesmerizing Frontal Portrait of Herakles
Ancient Art & Numismatics:
G24 An Excessively Rare and Important Greek Silver Stater of Thebes (Boeotia), the Finest Known of this Issue by Far
Ancient Art & Numismatics:
G40 A Rare Greek SIlver Tetradrachm of Katane (Sicily), Signed by Herakleidas
Ancient Art & Numismatics:
G51 An Excessively Rare Greek Silver Tetradrachm of Rhodes (Islands off Caria), the Head of Helios with Unusual Exaggerated Features
Ancient Art & Numismatics:
G52 A Rare Greek Silver Tetradrachm of Rhodes (Islands off Caria)
Ancient Art & Numismatics:
G60 A Greek Silver Tetradrachm of Hidrieus (Satraps of Caria), a Fine Facing Portrait of Apollo
Ancient Art & Numismatics:
G61 An Excessively Rare and Exceptional Greek Silver Tetradrachm of Syracuse (Sicily), Signed by Kimon
Ancient Art & Numismatics:
G89 Greek SIlver Tetradrachm of Katane (Sicily), Signed by Herakleidas
Ancient Art & Numismatics:
G91 Greek Silver Tetradrachm of Amphipolis (Macedon), Among the Most Inventive Ancient Greek Mints
Ancient Art & Numismatics:
G107 A Rare and Exceptional Greek Silver Tetradrachm of Pixodaros (Satraps of Caria), Among the Finest Known
Ancient Art & Numismatics:
G109 Greek Silver Tetradrachm of Rhodes (Islands off Caria), the Finest Known
Ancient Art & Numismatics:
G110 An Important Greek Silver Tetradrachm of Syracuse (Sicily), Signed by K[imo]n, A Numismatic Masterpiece
Ancient Art & Numismatics:
G126 A Unique and Highly Important Greek Silver Tetradrachm of Segesta (Sicily), the Only Extant Example of this Classical Masterpiece
Ancient Art & Numismatics:
G138 A Rare and Important Greek Silver Tetradrachm of Rhodes (Islands off Caria), With an Incredible Facing Head of Helios, Among the Finest of all Rhodian Tetradrachms
Ancient Art & Numismatics:
G145 A Greek Silver Tetradrachm of Amphipolis (Macedon), With a Strikingly Androgynous Portrayal of Apollo
Ancient Art & Numismatics:
G144 An Excessively Rare Greek Silver Didrachm of Kamarina (Sicily), Signed by Euainetos
Ancient Art & Numismatics:
G149 An Exceptional Greek Silver Hemidrachm of Katane (Sicily), Among the Finest of All Extant Greek Fractions
Ancient Art & Numismatics:
G150 A Greek SIlver Stater of Neapolis (Macedon)
Ancient Art & Numismatics:
G154 A Rare and Exceptional Greek 22mm Bronze of Mopsion (Thessaly)
Ancient Art & Numismatics:
G158 A Rare Greek Silver Tetradrachm of Rhodes (Islands off Caria), Signed by Xe[no]-, One of Six Coins Known by his Hand
Ancient Art & Numismatics:
G167 A Greek Silver Diobol of Calabria (Tarentum), A Wonderful Facing Head of Helios
Ancient Art & Numismatics:
G182 An Exceedingly Rare Greek Silver Stater of Thebes (Boeotia), With a Stunning Depiction of an Aged Herakles
Ancient Art & Numismatics:
G183 An Exceedingly Rare Greek Silver Stater of Thebes (Boeotia), With Particularly Corporeal Depiction of Herakles
Ancient Art & Numismatics:
G186 A Greek Silver Stater of Thebes (Boeotia), With a Mesmerizing Depiction of Dionysos, A Numismatic Masterpiece
Ancient Art & Numismatics:
G226 An Exceedingly Rare Greek Gold Tetralitron of Syracuse (Sicily)
Ancient Art & Numismatics:
G252 A Rare Greek Silver Tetradrachm of Amphipolis (Macedon), Among the Most Inventive Ancient Greek Mints
Ancient Art & Numismatics:
G265 A Greek Silver Tetradrachm of Syracuse (Sicily), Signed by Kimon