anthroview: Changing lake level, wind and waves on the shoreline
anthroview: Cheating the logging company & other lumberjacks
anthroview: Stumps and lumps of trees felled decades ago
anthroview: Logging road just outside of the right edge of the frame
anthroview: Logging in 1891-93 left stumps and forest roads
anthroview: New tree and old, side by side
anthroview: Convenient height to work a saw from 1891 to 93
anthroview: Relics of 1891 or 1892 logging season
anthroview: Hauling hardwood logs from the sandy forest
anthroview: County 1900 map shows logging sites & mill owners
anthroview: Last logs pulled to the sawmill long ago
anthroview: pano2021aug14newberryloggingmuseum
anthroview: Circular saw blade, broad axe to lop branches, whittled chain
anthroview: The sound of cutting logs into lumber
anthroview: Movable logging cabin, it seems
anthroview: Trees mown down for paper products
anthroview: Logs that never made it to the sawmill
anthroview: Not all logs made it to the mill
anthroview: Branches gone, now the mighty trunks remain
anthroview: Knowledge, tools, and experience for best results
anthroview: Tree removal in time lapse (120 minutes in 1 minute)
anthroview: Regrowth after "White Pine Era" emptied land, filled river
anthroview: Limnology to know lake life above and below the surface
anthroview: Inland lake feeding into Lake Michigan at the shoreline
anthroview: Cutting the ownership stamps from the logs to claim them anew