anthroview: Cemetery at Fulton Street, burial in 1856
anthroview: Cemetery headstone of 1837, willow tree imagery
anthroview: Early settler and benefactor of Grand Rapids, Michigan
anthroview: Cemetery inscription from Bible verse
anthroview: Military service marked, Fulton Street Cemetery
anthroview: Epitaph - clergyman, wife and daughter
anthroview: Memorial to a veteran of the "war for the Union"
anthroview: Family line inscribed in granite, along with fishing boat and airplane
anthroview: Sadness personified in this large work of art
anthroview: In place of epitaph, reading directions
anthroview: oakhill north cemetery
anthroview: The "Custer Corps" at Oakhill south cemetery
anthroview: Cast aluminum for George W. Griggs - west face
anthroview: Cast aluminum for Griggs - east face
anthroview: Boulder selected and carved with great care for posterity
anthroview: Mass graves from orphanages?
anthroview: Epitaph by way of explanation - drowned
anthroview: Civil War cluster of graves in downtown Grand Rapids
anthroview: Granite of red, not gray color
anthroview: Grave site rules for displays by Grand Rapids Diocese
anthroview: So many stone crosses in orderly rows
anthroview: Two towers for cremains
anthroview: SE corner of Mt. Calvary cemetery looking to the west
anthroview: Died age 31 but what of the widower
anthroview: Siblings buried together 1842 to 1856
anthroview: Just over 2 years old at time of death in 1977
anthroview: Casket-shaped sunken ground along the boundaries
anthroview: Too young at 32, Russian inscription
anthroview: Modern rules for the city cemetery
anthroview: Skilled carvers of stone circa 1908