Anthony Kei C: PnS macro
Anthony Kei C: Skipper
Anthony Kei C: Day Flying Wasp Mimic Moth, Amata huebneri
Anthony Kei C: Moth Larvae
Anthony Kei C: Blue Eyed Butterfly, maybe Vinous Oakblue
Anthony Kei C: Orange Skipper
Anthony Kei C: Caterpillar, Heliconiinae?
Anthony Kei C: Skipper
Anthony Kei C: Skipper
Anthony Kei C: Skipper butterfly egg
Anthony Kei C: Tiger Moth
Anthony Kei C: The Caterpillar of Autumn Leaf Butterfly (Doleschallia cf. bisaltide)
Anthony Kei C: Day Flying Wasp Mimic Moth, Amata huebneri
Anthony Kei C: Common Mime Butterfly, Chilasa clytia, Papilionidae
Anthony Kei C: Skipper portrait
Anthony Kei C: Moth caterpillar
Anthony Kei C: Moth caterpillar
Anthony Kei C: Moth caterpillar (Limacodidae)
Anthony Kei C: Plume moth
Anthony Kei C: Caterpillar
Anthony Kei C: Lime caterpillar closeup