anthonyturducken: you ready? you next! on buff on rampart on buff
anthonyturducken: you ready? you next! on buff by nocca
anthonyturducken: you ready? you next!
anthonyturducken: you ready? you next! on st. charles on buff with snailbird
anthonyturducken: you ready? you next! at lee circle on buff with tard and more
anthonyturducken: you ready? you next! on buff at lee circle
anthonyturducken: you ready? you next! under the viewing stands on st. charles
anthonyturducken: you ready? you next! on buff
anthonyturducken: you ready? you next! on buff
anthonyturducken: you ready? you next! with defend new orleans on buff
anthonyturducken: you ready? you next! on press street wall with honee
anthonyturducken: you ready? you next! with you go girl at green project
anthonyturducken: you ready? you next! with you go girl
anthonyturducken: year of the ox
anthonyturducken: dead cockroach
anthonyturducken: cockroach
anthonyturducken: cockroach
anthonyturducken: cockroach
anthonyturducken: cockroach
anthonyturducken: cockroach
anthonyturducken: do you have your shot?