anthonyturducken: face by tard on dumpster
anthonyturducken: face by tard on dumpster
anthonyturducken: face by tard under crescent city connection
anthonyturducken: half a face by tard
anthonyturducken: half a face by tard
anthonyturducken: another face by tard under crescent city connection
anthonyturducken: two faces by tard
anthonyturducken: face by tard by mojo (the old little rue)
anthonyturducken: face by tard near crescent city connection
anthonyturducken: spray paint face by tard ?
anthonyturducken: face by tard on meter
anthonyturducken: face by tard on door
anthonyturducken: face by tard by streetcar stop at st. charles and julia
anthonyturducken: large color face by tard
anthonyturducken: tard what? face
anthonyturducken: color face by tard
anthonyturducken: tard face and infinity
anthonyturducken: tard face
anthonyturducken: big tard face
anthonyturducken: tard face
anthonyturducken: tard face on prytania
anthonyturducken: tard face near the rink
anthonyturducken: tard face near the rink
anthonyturducken: tard face
anthonyturducken: tard face at sunset
anthonyturducken: tard face
anthonyturducken: tard face
anthonyturducken: tard face
anthonyturducken: tard face
anthonyturducken: tard face