The city Battambang actually means something like "Lost Stick". Their leader (pictured) lost this stick, and a city was born. Horrible oversimplifaction, but if you really care go Wiki it!
This is awesome. I hired a guy to drive me out to the Killing Cave, and later that evening I was sitting next to an Indian guy on the 7hr bus to Siam Reap. He totally recognied me, and later emailed this picture he snapped of his mate & ME earlier in the
A tall memorial was made to hold the remains of those who were killed in Choeng Ek, and to serve as a visual reminder of what atrocities happened here.
This I found very disturbing. The Fields are a giant burial ground, with some 78 mass graves. Still, 30 years later, scraps of clothes are still making their way to the surface throughout the grounds. Teeth too.