You order your food & drinks on the touch-screen computer, then swipe your CC and it appears moments later! Mmm, fruit & cheez!
Virgin America is so swanky, all robot like All Is Full of Love. Wish the seats reclined more tho!
Welcome Sign. I got out to take the snap, as I always pass by & miss the shot... but then I lost Jordan (who was driving!)
I was chasing down the line of cars to find him when some girls in a pickup offered me a ride and refreshed me with root beer. Jordan caught-up eventu
Since I bought my ticket last minute, it cost more. The back of the ticket waives all responsibility by BM for your health & safety.
Harm & I hopped on our bikes to go check out the Man and his crazy wooden fire sculpture
This year's Temple looked like a flaming lotus, with 3 stories to walk around & decorate with personal messages
Inside the Root Society Domes, empty on morning #1, but filled with dancing individuals by night