anthonyp: Church in Arambol_0874
anthonyp: Gigantic Goan fruit salads make us happy_0878
anthonyp: Happy to be in Goa_0879
anthonyp: Our English Mate_0881
anthonyp: ...and his Russian friend_0882
anthonyp: Goa2Karnataka_0886
anthonyp: Back in Panaji we made Ravi dinner_3588
anthonyp: Ravi's living room_3591
anthonyp: Amy's new cast_3589
anthonyp: Ravishankar_3590
anthonyp: Sunrise from Dona Paula_3594
anthonyp: Goa2Karnataka_3601
anthonyp: Goa2Karnataka_3597
anthonyp: Goa2Karnataka_3613
anthonyp: Goa2Karnataka_3609
anthonyp: Goa2Karnataka_3607
anthonyp: Goa2Karnataka_3606
anthonyp: The Dona Paula Crew_3615
anthonyp: Goa2Karnataka_3617
anthonyp: Sara Day #1_3619
anthonyp: Amy Day #4_3620
anthonyp: Goa2Karnataka_3621
anthonyp: Goa2Karnataka_3622
anthonyp: Goa2Karnataka_3626
anthonyp: Bloody bull fight!_3633
anthonyp: Bull fight. Check out the notches in Bull#2's horns... I think it's a tally of his victories_3632
anthonyp: Spectators watched from the trees through a cloud of dust_3635
anthonyp: The Crowd at Carnival in Murgao_3637
anthonyp: Awesome moving hand-made floats_3638
anthonyp: I'll see lots of real ones in Kerala_3644