Anthony Owen-Jones: Wet socks on the rocks
Anthony Owen-Jones: When the saints go marching in...
Anthony Owen-Jones: The path of the righteous is to the beach...
Anthony Owen-Jones: Time and tide wait for no man (Trefor Jetty)
Anthony Owen-Jones: Blue Bridge - Rhyl
Anthony Owen-Jones: Here lie the elephant stones
Anthony Owen-Jones: Here lie the elephant stones II
Anthony Owen-Jones: Elephant Graveyard
Anthony Owen-Jones: Penmon Point - Revisited
Anthony Owen-Jones: Fort Perch Rock
Anthony Owen-Jones: New Brighton Lighthouse
Anthony Owen-Jones: 'A'Dee (Flintshire Bridge)
Anthony Owen-Jones: The Fun Ship (TSS Duke of Lancaster)
Anthony Owen-Jones: A reminder of where we once were...
Anthony Owen-Jones: Free your mind and the rest will follow...
Anthony Owen-Jones: I was not your first...
Anthony Owen-Jones: Take your last dance with me
Anthony Owen-Jones: Bridge to nowhere
Anthony Owen-Jones: Three Steps Below
Anthony Owen-Jones: Alone in Another Place
Anthony Owen-Jones: Lake Vyrnwy Straining Tower
Anthony Owen-Jones: Pipeline 'C'
Anthony Owen-Jones: Breakwater