anthonyiii_: Love me and remember me, so you may let me go.
anthonyiii_: When in New York.
anthonyiii_: Back to manhattan.
anthonyiii_: Untitled, unedited.
anthonyiii_: When in manhattan, these can be located everywhere.
anthonyiii_: Cruising the manhattan streets..
anthonyiii_: Cruising the manhattan streets..
anthonyiii_: May be back in CALI, but I'll live up the NY memories for as long as I can.
anthonyiii_: That's life, that's New York. It ain't all flashy lights & smiles all the time.
anthonyiii_: That's life, that's New York. It ain't all flashy lights & smiles all the time.
anthonyiii_: That's life, that's New York. It ain't all flashy lights & smiles all the time.
anthonyiii_: That's life, that's New York. It ain't all flashy lights & smiles all the time.
anthonyiii_: Untitled
anthonyiii_: Untitled
anthonyiii_: Untitled
anthonyiii_: Untitled