Tony Beyga: Tortoiseshell
Tony Beyga: Wall Brown Butterfly...Haskayne
Tony Beyga: Common Blue
Tony Beyga: Brimstone Butterfly
Tony Beyga: Common Blue on Cornflower
Tony Beyga: Speckled Wood
Tony Beyga: Small Copper
Tony Beyga: Common Blue amongst the wildflowers
Tony Beyga: White
Tony Beyga: Peacock on Teasle
Tony Beyga: Comma Butterfly
Tony Beyga: Small Magpie Moth...I think.
Tony Beyga: Tortoiseshell
Tony Beyga: Small Skipper
Tony Beyga: Meadow Brown
Tony Beyga: 5 spot Burnet Moth
Tony Beyga: Tortoiseshell
Tony Beyga: Cinnabar Moth
Tony Beyga: Orange tip Butterfly...
Tony Beyga: Butterfly on Wild Garlic...
Tony Beyga: Green Veined Butterfly on Wild Garlic...
Tony Beyga: Peacock on Dandelion
Tony Beyga: Comma Butterfly showing nicely the white marking resembling a comma from where it gets it's name.
Tony Beyga: Ringlet
Tony Beyga: Speckled Wood Butterfly
Tony Beyga: Orange Tip Butterfly on Tulip
Tony Beyga: Painted Lady
Tony Beyga: Painted Lady
Tony Beyga: Gatekeeper
Tony Beyga: Comma