Tony Beyga: Ed and Justine Milliband
Tony Beyga: Tom Watson and Peter Hain
Tony Beyga: Short cut
Tony Beyga: Neil Kinnock
Tony Beyga: Michael Meacher
Tony Beyga: Luciana Berger and Gloria De Piero
Tony Beyga: Liverpool Labour leader Joe Anderson
Tony Beyga: John Healy
Tony Beyga: Ken Livingstone
Tony Beyga: Keith Vaz
Tony Beyga: Huw Edwards BBC
Tony Beyga: Gloria De Piero
Tony Beyga: Glenys and Neil Kinnock
Tony Beyga: Ed Milliband
Tony Beyga: Ed Balls
Tony Beyga: Ed and Justine Milliband
Tony Beyga: David Milliband and Jim Murphy
Tony Beyga: Dave Prentis Gen Sec Unison
Tony Beyga: Captured this figure walking behind the fabric barriers at the Labour Conference at the Echo Arena
Tony Beyga: Ben Bradshaw Labour's Shadow Culture Secretary
Tony Beyga: Tom Watson and Len McCluskey
Tony Beyga: "A grotesque chaos"