DrAnthony88: Flypast from Mildehall
DrAnthony88: Dakotas overhead
DrAnthony88: Dakotas on the flightline
DrAnthony88: P-47D Nellie
DrAnthony88: C-53D "D Day Doll" and crew
DrAnthony88: Parachutists loading on to C-53D "D Day Doll"
DrAnthony88: DC-3 Pan Am Clipper Tabitha May
DrAnthony88: C-53D "D Day Doll" departs for Normandy packed with parachutists
DrAnthony88: C-3A N18121 departs for Normandy
DrAnthony88: Finnish DC Association/Aero Oy DC-3 OH-LCH
DrAnthony88: "Top cover": two Mustangs as escorts for the Dakotas on their way to Normandy