Anthemic Tangle: Seagull 2
Anthemic Tangle: Seagull 3
Anthemic Tangle: Seagull 4
Anthemic Tangle: Seagull 5
Anthemic Tangle: Ducks Have No Sense of Direction
Anthemic Tangle: Pelican and Friend
Anthemic Tangle: Pelican Heading Right
Anthemic Tangle: A Flock of Pigeons
Anthemic Tangle: Woo-hoo! Look at me—I’m flying! In your face, suckers!
Anthemic Tangle: Whoa—is that what I look like? I’m HUGE!
Anthemic Tangle: The Most Dangerous Prey*
Anthemic Tangle: Diving for Badgers
Anthemic Tangle: Each Day the Distance Between Them Grew
Anthemic Tangle: Hawk Overhead
Anthemic Tangle: Spread Your Wings If You’re Sure*
Anthemic Tangle: Not-Quite-Tight Formation
Anthemic Tangle: I hope whatever I’ve got in my beak is edible. It sure does smell.
Anthemic Tangle: So, I can’t fly underwater, huh? I’ll show them—I’ll show them all!
Anthemic Tangle: The Raven and Its Symbolism in Western Literature of the Early 19th Century, with a Foreword by Vincent Price
Anthemic Tangle: Oh dear, I seem to be losing altitude. Going down. Yup, I just don’t know what I’m doing...
Anthemic Tangle: Gosh, I sure do enjoy being a bird sometimes!
Anthemic Tangle: They've been down there a long time. I wonder if they've forgotten about me.
Anthemic Tangle: “ I says to the guy, I says—oh, wait, there’s that guy with the camera again, just act natural...”
Anthemic Tangle: Ducks: How Do We Stop Them?
Anthemic Tangle: The Prisoner
Anthemic Tangle: “You lookin’ at me? ... You lookin’ at me? ... Seriously, are you actually looking at me? I can’t tell from here.”
Anthemic Tangle: Mockingbird