Anthemic Tangle: Coda Seeking Wisdom
Anthemic Tangle: Cats at Patio Door
Anthemic Tangle: 2 Cats on a Bed
Anthemic Tangle: Coda Pretending to be Asleep
Anthemic Tangle: Coda Pretending To Be Awake
Anthemic Tangle: You Want Your Guitar, We Want More Food -- Let's Deal.
Anthemic Tangle: You Want Your Laptop, We Want More Food -- You Know the Drill
Anthemic Tangle: Coda Wonders If He's Running Out of Things to Sit On
Anthemic Tangle: Coda Profile
Anthemic Tangle: Coda Portrait
Anthemic Tangle: When Dogs Collide
Anthemic Tangle: Nemesis!
Anthemic Tangle: Clash of the...uh...Titans
Anthemic Tangle: Teddy Has a System
Anthemic Tangle: Mesmerized
Anthemic Tangle: Why, yes, Brody would LOVE to go walkies!
Anthemic Tangle: Gibson's Very Interested in Whatever You're Selling
Anthemic Tangle: Favored-Nations Clause
Anthemic Tangle: Is This Okay?
Anthemic Tangle: The Cat's on the Telly
Anthemic Tangle: Arrangement of Stuff, with Cat
Anthemic Tangle: Some Call It Taunting, Others Call It Finger Roulette
Anthemic Tangle: Henry's a Good Dog (yes he is!)
Anthemic Tangle: Wrestle. Wrestle. Wrestle. Pose.
Anthemic Tangle: There is an alien-looking flower that looks over us all. But mostly Gibson.
Anthemic Tangle: Henry’s New Summer Cut
Anthemic Tangle: We’ve secretly replaced the bed Coda usually sleeps on with an old grocery bag; let’s see if he notices the difference...
Anthemic Tangle: Coda in Crow’s Nest