mr. anthead: j. edgar hoover 1968 [in blue]
mr. anthead: daytime in the garden
mr. anthead: oh boy, i'm a duck
mr. anthead: we too have souls
mr. anthead: we live in a beautiful world
mr. anthead: azul discovery
mr. anthead: self aware (in blue)
mr. anthead: magnetic north
mr. anthead: jealousy
mr. anthead: the origin of wonder
mr. anthead: bluescale square 04 -"i am a living fish head man"
mr. anthead: bluescale square 01 -sad blue woman
mr. anthead: bluescale square 02 -the fairy and the mushrooms
mr. anthead: bluescale square 03 - blue girl and baloon
mr. anthead: smiling at a pretty morning cloud
mr. anthead: T.V. Dinner
mr. anthead: dream worm
mr. anthead: Miles Davis T
mr. anthead: A Conspiracy Theory
mr. anthead: a hip new myth
mr. anthead: have a nice war [LBJ 1963]
mr. anthead: in our triumph we saw his awful fate [RFK 1968]
mr. anthead: in dreams your teeth can fall out
mr. anthead: theory canvas 1 i am a living fish-head man
mr. anthead: theory canvas 2
mr. anthead: leaving the city
mr. anthead: The Invasion
mr. anthead: the enemy is inside the walls
mr. anthead: everything is as it should be
mr. anthead: i've got blood and guts inside me.