Catalina du Payrat: 1. Decorations. Decoraciones
Catalina du Payrat: 2. Light. Luz
Catalina du Payrat: 3. Hope. In people, life, nature. Esperanza. En la gente, la vida, la naturaleza.
Catalina du Payrat: 4. La vie en Rose. Look for the "pink side" in life. Build your pillars preferable inside.
Catalina du Payrat: the change you want to see. Se el cambio que quieres ver.
Catalina du Payrat: 6. Take moon baths. Is Full Moon! it will give you kind energy.
Catalina du Payrat: 7. Brotherhood. Open your heart
Catalina du Payrat: 8. Adventures. Going abroad but also in everyday life
Catalina du Payrat: 9. dream. read and write stories, look around, inspiration is there
Catalina du Payrat: 10. Share your magic. You need intention and awareness. Practice everyday being kind with people. Go close to the Nature, that helps.
Catalina du Payrat: 11. Make a wish (or several) Falling stars are there always even when you do not see them.
Catalina du Payrat: 12. Sometimes your heart has a clearer vision of things than mind. Listen to it.
Catalina du Payrat: 13. Good memories are treasures. Put them in a special place & use them not with nostalgia but to boost your present
Catalina du Payrat: 14. Intuition. Will make you aware of externals and internals signs.Takes just a little practice.
Catalina du Payrat: 15. When in sudden darkness remember your light inside. may this light guide you and others to a safe harbour.
Catalina du Payrat: 16. Gratitude. Agradecimiento.
Catalina du Payrat: 17. New start. Renewal yourself each day.
Catalina du Payrat: 18. Recuerda que lo que haces cada dia es como vives tu vida. Trata algo nuevo y estimulante hoy.
Catalina du Payrat: 19. Empathy. When trying to understand others, change perspective.
Catalina du Payrat: 20. Stop for a moment. have coffe or tea with a friend. Enjoy the friendship. If you are alone, enjoy spending time with yourself. This year there where more of: Here and Now
Catalina du Payrat: 21. Solsticio de Invierno. Solsticio de verano. La magia del lugar donde estamos. Saber encontrarla. Y Feliz Cumpleaños Nena! (hermanita)
Catalina du Payrat: 22. Anticipation. Prepare yourself for giving and receive, love specially.
Catalina du Payrat: 23. Enlight your heart. Go out just for a while. Breath. Will give you peace.
Catalina du Payrat: 24-joyeux noel. Merry Christmas! Feliz Navidad