antares21R: T4 Departures
antares21R: Untitled
antares21R: The lonely pine. El pino solitario
antares21R: Fruit store
antares21R: fruiterer
antares21R: phhhHhhh
antares21R: Tough times
antares21R: 2022-02-01_12-38-51
antares21R: 2022-01-28_01-49-30
antares21R: snowed Madrid
antares21R: 2022-01-02_08-00-51
antares21R: Monumento a Alfonso XII. Parque de El Retiro, Madrid
antares21R: face mask no face
antares21R: light as expression
antares21R: more drama for your mama
antares21R: hey, who are ya?
antares21R: Exercise
antares21R: Straw
antares21R: walking the dog
antares21R: snowed Madrid
antares21R: B&w butterfly shooting (Iphiclides podalirius)