Antarctic M:
First stop - hospital
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Colourful Stanley houses
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Petra armed with x-rays and jaffa cakes
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Stanley Harbour
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Upland geese
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Cathedral in Stanley with whalebone arches
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British cemetery at San Carlos
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No off-road driving...
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Strange things that happened to me in the Falklands, part 1
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Fine young soldiers defending our country
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From the Hercules cockpit
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View from the 'bubble' on top of the Hercules
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Hercules cock-pit
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East Falkland, stormy weather
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Helicopter crash from the Falklands War, Mount Kent
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BAS planes in a different setting than I'm used to
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Gypsy Cove
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Yorke Bay
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Strange things that happened to me in the Falklands, part 2
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Strange things that happened to me in the Falklands, part 3
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Port Howard Airport
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Port Howard settlement
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Myles and Critta admiring their cows
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Strange things that happened to me in the Falklands, part 4
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Garage at Port Howard farm
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Strange things that happened to me in the Falklands, part 5
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Gentle reintroduction to biking?
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Strange things that happened to me in the Falklands, part 6
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Sorting wool
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Falkland Island sheep