The Cuman: Castle of Tata, in Hungary (Tatai vár)
The Cuman: Castel Sant'Angelo, Rome
The Cuman: Szveta Nedelja (Holy Sunday) church in Sofia, Bulgaria (Szófia Szent Vasárnap temploma)
The Cuman: Coloured magic
The Cuman: Wooden church in Máriapócs, Hungary (Máriapócsi fatrmplom)
The Cuman: Danube at Verőce in Hungary
The Cuman: Wooden church in Máriapócs, Hungary
The Cuman: Castle of Beograd
The Cuman: Enjoying the water
The Cuman: Moon
The Cuman: Soline, Croatia, (Horvátország)
The Cuman: Giant otter (óriásvidra)