AnthonyMikeLee: Gramma loreto
AnthonyMikeLee: His portrait
AnthonyMikeLee: I see you!
AnthonyMikeLee: Taught early on
AnthonyMikeLee: Entacmaea quadricolor
AnthonyMikeLee: Neopetrolisthes maculosus
AnthonyMikeLee: Neopetrolisthes maculosus
AnthonyMikeLee: Bonsai-ish Acropora
AnthonyMikeLee: Echinopora sp.
AnthonyMikeLee: Montipora digitata
AnthonyMikeLee: C-quarium Unknown
AnthonyMikeLee: Ecsenius stigmatura
AnthonyMikeLee: Acropora tenius
AnthonyMikeLee: Heteractis magnifica
AnthonyMikeLee: Pseudocheilinus hexataenia
AnthonyMikeLee: Synchiropus splendidus
AnthonyMikeLee: Ricordea florida
AnthonyMikeLee: Polychaetes
AnthonyMikeLee: I'm Bringing Stickle Back Ft. Justin Timberlake [+2 in Comments]
AnthonyMikeLee: "Preying" Praying Mantis
AnthonyMikeLee: I've Got the Butterflies
AnthonyMikeLee: Gekko gecko, Tokay Gecko
AnthonyMikeLee: Nature in High Definition
AnthonyMikeLee: Chloroplasts, Stomata, and Xylem Galore
AnthonyMikeLee: Diamonds Are Forever