AnthonyMikeLee: I'm Bringing Stickle Back Ft. Justin Timberlake [+2 in Comments]
AnthonyMikeLee: Stage 10.f2, In Vitro Goodness [+8 in Comments] Updated 110411AM
AnthonyMikeLee: The Cube is Here
AnthonyMikeLee: My Tropical Island Get-Away, All Day, Every Day
AnthonyMikeLee: My Anemone Forest -Just a Quick Update of Sorts!
AnthonyMikeLee: My 20g Slice of the Reef -View in HD!
AnthonyMikeLee: Neopetrolisthes maculosus
AnthonyMikeLee: Synchiropus splendidus
AnthonyMikeLee: My Slice of the Ocean
AnthonyMikeLee: Polychaetes
AnthonyMikeLee: Ricordea florida
AnthonyMikeLee: Neopetrolisthes maculosus
AnthonyMikeLee: Pterapogon kauderni
AnthonyMikeLee: One Year
AnthonyMikeLee: This is Her
AnthonyMikeLee: Echinopora sp.
AnthonyMikeLee: Bottom Side
AnthonyMikeLee: Side Top
AnthonyMikeLee: Ocean Floor