Anowarul Haq: Lime Butterfly - Nature & Ecosystem
Anowarul Haq: Solitude: Butterfly
Anowarul Haq: Peacock Pansy
Anowarul Haq: Solitude
Anowarul Haq: The Chestnut Tiger
Anowarul Haq: The Common Mormon
Anowarul Haq: Nature and the Solitude
Anowarul Haq: Butterfly: The Common Mormon
Anowarul Haq: Butterfly: the Common Mormon
Anowarul Haq: The Painted Lady from Front
Anowarul Haq: Papilio clytia, the common mime
Anowarul Haq: The Plain Tiger
Anowarul Haq: The Plain Tiger । তামট ।
Anowarul Haq: The Plain Tiger । তামট ।
Anowarul Haq: The Lime Butterfly
Anowarul Haq: Butterfly: Scalloped Grass Yellow । Eurema alitha । হলুদ প্রজাপতি ।
Anowarul Haq: The Striped Albatross । Appias libythea । প্রজাপতি
Anowarul Haq: Lemon Pansy । উষুম ।
Anowarul Haq: The Common Grass Yellow । হলুদ প্রজাপতি ।
Anowarul Haq: The Lime Butterfly । রুরু প্রজাপতি ।
Anowarul Haq: The Plain Tiger । তামট ।
Anowarul Haq: The Lime Butterfly । রুরু প্রজাপতি ।
Anowarul Haq: The Lemon Pansy । উষুম ।
Anowarul Haq: The Two Common Grass Yellows
Anowarul Haq: The Plain Tiger । তামট ।
Anowarul Haq: The Lime Butterfly । রুরু প্রজাপতি ।
Anowarul Haq: The Lime Butterfly । রুরু প্রজাপতি ।
Anowarul Haq: The Striped Albatross । Appias libythea । প্রজাপতি ।
Anowarul Haq: Indian fritillary (Argynnis hyperbius)। রূপসা ।
Anowarul Haq: Common Mormon । Papilio polytes । কালিম ।