Michael Muraz: South Campus Chiller Plant 07
Michael Muraz: South Campus Chiller Plant 06
Michael Muraz: South Campus Chiller Plant 05
Michael Muraz: South Campus Chiller Plant 04
Michael Muraz: South Campus Chiller Plant 03
Michael Muraz: South Campus Chiller Plant 02
Michael Muraz: South Campus Chiller Plant 01
Michael Muraz: Wexner Center for the Arts 06
Michael Muraz: Wexner Center for the Arts 05
Michael Muraz: Wexner Center for the Arts 04
Michael Muraz: Wexner Center for the Arts 03
Michael Muraz: Wexner Center for the Arts 02
Michael Muraz: Wexner Center for the Arts 01
Michael Muraz: Austin E. Knowlton School of Architecture 06
Michael Muraz: Austin E. Knowlton School of Architecture 05
Michael Muraz: Austin E. Knowlton School of Architecture 04
Michael Muraz: Austin E. Knowlton School of Architecture 02
Michael Muraz: Austin E. Knowlton School of Architecture 03
Michael Muraz: Austin E. Knowlton School of Architecture 01