nor certitude: Viburnum edited
nor certitude: red twigs, edited
nor certitude: fading rose....
nor certitude: Shubbery
nor certitude: Pokeberry
nor certitude: an evil self...
nor certitude: jungle cactus undulates
nor certitude: son io, self, me
nor certitude: edit play--shinny nose
nor certitude: Pyracantha
nor certitude: Rose hips 'William Baffin' Canadian rose
nor certitude: Rugosa rose, 'Pink Grootendurst', 1923
nor certitude: Viburnum
nor certitude: finished Hosta
nor certitude: chiaroscuro
nor certitude: Hyacinth, December 2011 edited
nor certitude: Hippeastrum~Amaryllis bud
nor certitude: Hosta seeds and leaf
nor certitude: Lily, edit
nor certitude: in memory of Christopher Hitchens, a British-American writer and critic, a major champion of atheism, who died on 15 December
nor certitude: Christmas branch
nor certitude: Maple tree
nor certitude: flower bed clutter
nor certitude: Pokeweed, winter
nor certitude: Rose hips with Clematis curl