nor certitude:
me, one
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me, too
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me, three
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the old man
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just woke up~bad cold, hot morning
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local perve with balding off, need a shave!
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don't let this happen to you!
nor certitude:
me~17 July 2007~a pleasant, very rainy day!
nor certitude:
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rainy self-portrait
nor certitude:
07 07 07 Self portrait at 92 degrees F.
nor certitude:
My birthday cake--June 27, 2007
nor certitude:
self-portrait with hole in forehead
nor certitude:
nor certitude:
aug 19 2006 006
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aug18 2006 009
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aug72006 004
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aug72006 003
nor certitude:
me again
nor certitude:
self portrait, me
nor certitude:
forehead surgery
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hospital i.d. bracelet
nor certitude:
stand of prairie grass beside the interstate
nor certitude:
me and grass
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son io
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M&M t-shirt, bald head, rat tail perv
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back deck labyrinth and sleepy papa
nor certitude:
too early, sleepy
nor certitude:
09 29 07 055