AnomalousNYC: Greetings From Florida
AnomalousNYC: The Sunshine State
AnomalousNYC: Considering that power which subdueth all things unto itself
AnomalousNYC: They left the earth behind so they could dream of all they had lost.
AnomalousNYC: They thought they were carving a road into the void, but it turned out to be just another road.
AnomalousNYC: I wish baboons were on this rock.
AnomalousNYC: Dream Home
AnomalousNYC: endings
AnomalousNYC: They came to the sea, but the desert was already there.
AnomalousNYC: Cocktail Parties of the Triassic-Jurassic Extinction Event
AnomalousNYC: The access road to the ocean of screams makes nice desktop wallpaper
AnomalousNYC: Gatorsnout
AnomalousNYC: Gatorsnout Rising
AnomalousNYC: Self-portrait #84
AnomalousNYC: recording a failed escape
AnomalousNYC: Spitting out all the butt-ends of my days
AnomalousNYC: The Black Sea
AnomalousNYC: Justin
AnomalousNYC: How comes it then that thou art out of hell?
AnomalousNYC: The Tropical Facade