“What if sex was holy, and war was obscene?” ―Alicia Keys
“Maybe we should love somebody / Maybe we should care a little more / Instead of polishing the bombs of holy war.” ―Alicia Keys 🌎
“If we ain’t getting money / How we be feedin’ the kids / It’s a revolving door where brothers be doin’ bids.” ―Alicia Keys
“We rise until everyone respects mother energy. Everyone with a belly button must agree.” —Alicia Keys, Women's March on Washington, 2017
“All-consuming modernity is a stressor, a change that catalyzes our need to identify with something stable.”
“I gotta speak the truth / When I’m up in the booth.” ―Alicia Keys ☀️ ✈️
“In a tenement I was listenin’ to the hook / Change gonna come / Spirit of Sam Cooke” ―Alicia Keys ✈️
“For every boneheaded action, there’s an opposite and equally boneheaded reaction.” —David L. Katz
“You have no incentive to show me, and keeping me in the dark enables you to categorize and stereotype to your heart’s content without the real versions of your stereotypes complicating your data.” ―Zara Rahman
“...and then, I have nature and art and poetry, and if that is not enough, what is enough?” —Vincent Van Gogh
“But the actual liberating power of what Tyler calls “pregnant beauty” is dubious, in part because there’s really only one acceptable way for it to manifest.” —Anne Helen Petersen
“Accept your own aloneness and stick to it, all your life. And then accept the times when the gap is filled in, when they come. But they've got to come. You can't force them.” ―D.H. Lawrence 🌵
“...we can achieve a meaningful existence by maintaining a positive outlook, following our bliss, and doing a few hamstring stretches as the planet burns.” ―Laurie Penny
“But after shuddering at the thought of accepting a cupcake from the Soldiers of Odin, I could understand how the prospect of eating food that bore the label of an enemy ideology could induce a feeling of physical disgust.” —Shakira Hussein
“But equal space and equal security should not be considered rewards for virtue; they are rights in and of themselves, unrealized in innumerable ways as yet.” —Rebecca Solnit
“If we do nothing, we sleepwalk into a total surveillance state where we have both a super-state that has unlimited capacity to apply force with an unlimited ability to know (about the people it is targeting) – and that’s a very dangerous combination.”
“Just as the experience of war does not prevent wars, ‘dwelling on the horrors’ of past totalitarianisms, Arendt argues, will not inoculate us from future totalitarianisms.” ―Roger Berkowitz
“When you’re single, the act of making plans becomes a complex structure, puffed up full of variables, threatening to collapse at any moment like a soufflé — except rather than delicious pastry cream, it tastes like fear.” —Joe Berkowitz & Joanna Neborsky
“Nothing can cure the soul but the senses, just as nothing can cure the senses but the soul.” —Oscar Wilde, The Picture of Dorian Gray
“Black isn’t a skin tone. It’s a condition.” ―Camille Dungy
“Paradoxically though it may seem, it is none the less true that life imitates art far more than art imitates life.” —Oscar Wilde 🐊
“The aim of life is self-development. To realize one's nature perfectly - that is what each of us is here for.” ―Oscar Wilde 🌵
“No, where are you really from?” ―Zara Rahman
“And who's to say that when life itself has become a disease, poison may not be the best remedy?” —Olympos to Cleopatra, from “The Memoirs of Cleopatra” by Margaret George, 1997
“Bannon’s suggestions that Islam is an inferior religion that needs to be defeated in war for the soul of the West is not about religion; it is an ideological justification for systematic war, expulsion, and worse.” ―Roger Berkowitz
“Sometimes I will say whatever I think you want to hear, anything to make the conversation progress before we get to the awkward part where you realize that you wouldn’t be talking to me like this if I were white.” ―Zara Rahman
“In fact, positive emotions make us more vulnerable than negative ones.” ―George Vaillant
“Human beings have an ‘inherent tendency to run away from the experience’ of the past.” ―Roger Berkowitz ⛰
“Joy and woe are woven fine.” ―William Blake
“nolite te bastardes carborundorum” = “don't let the bastards grind you down.” ―Margaret Atwood / “The Handmaid’s Tale,” 1985