anokarina: “All rituals and symbols are constructed, and inherited tradition is not always the best test of cultural authenticity.” ―Nabeelah Jaffer ☁️ ⛰ ☁️
anokarina: “Empire is on the move, and “Democracy” is its sly new war cry.” ―Arundhati Roy
anokarina: “Power corrupts, and absolute power often corrupts the awareness of those who possess it.” —Rebecca Solnit
anokarina: “That ‘nasty scar’ of a mouth was Baldwin’s only certainty: ‘a puckering butthole’, he calls it, dropping into his Trump voice to describe his vision of it.” ―Chris Jones
anokarina: “In the meantime, he will keep his Trump at a remove, almost like an abstract painting, not of Trump the man but of Trump’s withered soul.” ―Chris Jones ⛰
anokarina: You have alternative facts; we have alternative scenery 🌵🌻🌴