anokarina: “But fate, as Merlin always taught us, is inexorable. Life is a jest of the Gods, Merlin liked to claim, and there is no justice. You must learn to laugh, he once told me, or else you'll just weep yourself to death.” ―Bernard Cornwell 🚂
anokarina: “The first step to the knowledge of the wonder and mystery of life is the recognition of the monstrous nature of the earthly human realm as well as its glory, the realization that this is just how it is and that it cannot be changed.” ―Joseph Campbell
anokarina: “The main facts in human life are five: birth, food, sleep, love and death.” ―E.M. Forster 💎
anokarina: “Don't wish it was easier; wish you were better. / Don't wish for less problems; wish for more skills. / Don't wish for less challenge; wish for more wisdom.” ―Jim Rohn 🙏
anokarina: “In wisdom gathered over time I have found that every experience is a form of exploration.” ―Ansel Adams 💡
anokarina: “Between living and dreaming there is a third thing. Guess it.” ―Antonio Machado 🐉
anokarina: “The greatest wealth is health.” ―Virgil 🙏
anokarina: “Those who think they know how the universe could have been had they created it —without pain, without sorrow, without time, without death —are unfit for illumination.” ―Joseph Campbell 🙏
anokarina: “People who say that yesterday was better than today are ultimately devaluing their own existence.” ―Karl Lagerfeld 🙏
anokarina: “Violence is a disease—you don’t cure it by spreading it to more people.” ―Ray | “Game of Thrones,” s6e7 🐘 🐘
anokarina: “No!!!! Women have been proven to be super strong and [men] created these sex roles. Fuckery! At a museum of all places!!?” 👊❄️⛄️ 🎉
anokarina: “Crying does not indicate that you are weak. Since birth, it has always been a sign that you are alive.” ―Charlotte Brontë ⚱️
anokarina: “Art and life are subjective. Not everybody's gonna dig what I dig, but I reserve the right to dig it.” ―Whoopi Goldberg 🗿
anokarina: “Time folds you in its arms and gives you one last kiss, and then it flattens you out and folds you up and tucks you away until it's time for you to become someone else's past time, and then time folds again.” ―Margaret Atwood 🔗
anokarina: “There is an ecstasy that marks the summit of life, and beyond which life cannot rise. And such is the paradox of living, this ecstasy comes when one is most alive, and it comes as a complete forgetfulness that one is alive.” ―Jack London 🐊
anokarina: “My mystery is a simple one: I do not know what being alive is.” ―Clarice Lispector 🐊
anokarina: “My mystery is a simple one: I do not know what being alive is.” ―Clarice Lispector 🐊