anokarina: That Mad Men moment. (at Tobacco Row)
anokarina: Tobacco Row
anokarina: Colonial National Historical Park
anokarina: Our (big yellow van) down by the [James River]. (at Colonial National Historical Park)
anokarina: Scouting with the Save The James team. (at Jamestown Ferry On The James River Between Williamsburg And Surry Virginia)
anokarina: Colonial National Historical Park
anokarina: Colonial National Historical Park
anokarina: Williamsburg
anokarina: Williamsburg
anokarina: Setting up for the day! (at The College of William and Mary)
anokarina: College of William & Mary
anokarina: spring
anokarina: College of William & Mary
anokarina: College of William & Mary
anokarina: Putting up the big yellow tent... Parte Une (at Williamsburg)
anokarina: Putting up the big yellow tent... Parte Deux (at Williamsburg)
anokarina: Ready! (at Second Sunday Festival of Art and Music)